Title: The Influence of Organizational Justice, Leader-Member Relations on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions of Nurses with Moderator Perceived Ease of Movement (Study at Class D Hospital Muhammadiyah East Java)

Author: Ari Kuntardina

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Doctoral Study Program in Management Science, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



This research aims to gain a better understanding of the problems behind the phenomenon of nurse turnover in private hospitals when there is a recruitment of CPNS nurses. In an effort to understand the problem of nurse turnover, this is done through turnover intentions, rather than actual turnover, because turnover intentions are considered to represent actual turnover. The turnover rate is said to be high if it is greater than 10%. The perception that there is injustice in salaries, distribution of nursing services (share of income from shift work), employee regulations regarding appointment and classification articles and unequal nurse appointment systems can influence the perception that nurses are treated unfairly by hospital management. This leads to organizational justice, namely how workers feel that the authorities and decision makers in the workplace treat them, which will ultimately influence job satisfaction and nurse turnover intentions. The nurse's immediate supervisor is considered to be a representative of the hospital and has direct contact with the nurse in daily activities, playing the role of supervisor for the nurse. The relationship between supervisors and nurses has a big influence because supervisors provide assignments, guidance, direction, motivation, appreciation and warnings in carrying out daily work. The relationship between nurses and supervisors is found in the leader-member relationship in contingency theory. Leader-member relationship is the degree of self-confidence, self-confidence, respect and support from work group members to their leader. Leader-member relations are measured through exchanges between leaders and their subordinates (leader-member exchange). In an exchange between a leader and his subordinates, a supervisor treats his subordinates differently from each other. Subordinates belonging to the “ingroup” have higher quality relationships with their supervisors, compared to subordinates in the “out-group”. Subordinates who feel high-quality relationships with their subordinates have better chances of job satisfaction. Encourage increased performance of subordinates because they feel cared for, gain trust, support and protection from their supervisors in carrying out their duties. Ultimately reducing the desire to leave work (turnover intentions). This research also considers nurses' perceptions regarding the availability of alternative work outside the employing organization and the ease of moving. When there are no attractive alternative job offers, nurses with low levels of job satisfaction will stay at the hospital institution where they work (low turnover intentions). When there is a job offer from a hospital that is considered visible, turnover intentions will increase. The perception that there is an opportunity to get attractive alternative work will encourage nurses to consider alternative employment. Acceptance of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) for nurses is considered as the availability of opportunities or opportunities to get attractive alternative jobs. Perceived ease of movement is a moderator that influences the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Perceived ease of movement is an individual's perception regarding the attractiveness and availability of opportunities to get alternative work, as well as a person's perceived ability to move to another job and individual mobility which focuses on the individual's ability. The method used was a survey method. The population in this study was 391 executive nurses at 13 hospitals under the Muhammadiyah company with classification D in East Java, while the sample was 245. The sampling technique used was proportionate simple random sampling. The research results show that six hypotheses are acceptable and have a significant effect. Organizational justice has a significant effect on the direction of a positive relationship on job satisfaction. This means that the better justice the nurse feels they receive from their organization, the more the nurse's job satisfaction will increase. Leader-member relations have a significant effect on the direction of a positive relationship on job satisfaction. This means that the higher the quality of the relationship between the supervisor and the nurse, the greater the job satisfaction felt by the nurse. Organizational justice has a significant effect with a negative relationship on turnover intentions. This means that the better the organizational justice felt by the nurses, the lower the turnover intentions felt by the nurses. Leadermember relations have a significant negative effect on nurse turnover intentions. This means that the higher the quality of the relationship between the supervisor and the nurse as his subordinate, the lower the nurse's desire to leave the hospital where he works. Job satisfaction has a significant negative effect on turnover intentions. This means that the higher the level of job satisfaction felt by nurses, the greater their desire to leave the hospital where they work. Perceived ease of movement moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentions with a significant influence in a positive direction. This means that perceived ease of movement strengthens job satisfaction in influencing nurses' turnover intentions. It is hoped that the results of the research will be useful as consideration for hospital management in an effort to reduce nurse turnover intentions when there are alternative job offers that they consider visible. This can be done by increasing nurse job satisfaction by improving organizational justice and leader-member relations.

Keywords: Organizational Justice, Leader-Member Relations, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intentions, Nurses, Moderator Perceived Ease of Movement


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/74917/