Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



In general, risks cannot simply be eliminated or avoided, but risks can be managed properly according to the company's needs. However, it could be said that risk management will continue to become more complex over time, not only due to the increase in new types of risks which will of course force companies to continue to be innovative in efforts to identify these new risks but also regarding procedures for making risk studies and the relationship between a risk event and its trigger. That is why researchers feel that it is necessary to evaluate the Risk Study of PT. PJB Services PLTU Operation and Maintenance Services Project. To evaluate the risk study of the existing O&M PLTU Services project (which was previously carried out) by PT. PJB Services, an example of the risk study at PLTU ABC in 2011 will be taken which has several things that need to be evaluated, for example: the weighting of risk levels and risk probabilities is very subjective, more uses many assumptions from the ABC PLTU O&M Project Risk Study drafting team. Another gap is not taking into account the relationship between risk events and the agents that cause them (risk agents) and also the relationship between risk agents and mitigation or proactive action. This is what makes researchers choose HOR (House of Risk) to conduct risk studies. new O&M service projects and compare them with existing risk studies. Compared to existing risk studies, there are more risks identified in the HOR. In HOR 1, 44 risk agents and 15 risk events were detected. In HOR 2, after ranking based on the average ARPj Pareto analysis, 21 risk agents were identified which were prioritized for mitigation. If in the existing risk study fuel continuity is ranked first then in HOR 1 (A30) it is ranked 13th, whereas for the risk of derating (A27) which is ranked first in HOR 1 then in the existing risk study it is only ranked 5th. Another difference with the existing risk study is that the relationship between the risk agent and the risk event is not taken into account. In the existing risk study, one exclusive trigger causes one risk event. HOR does not calculate residual risk because HOR treats risk as cumulative risk (Pareto analysis selects risk agents that can prevent 80% of cumulative risk from occurring). Services, especially to understand that several risk events can be triggered by one risk cause, and one mitigation (PAk) can overcome several risk triggers. HOR will be very useful for allocating resources on target so that optimal results are obtained and cumulative risks can be managed well at a tolerable level.

Keywords: risk assessment, house of risk, Pareto analysis, risk event, risk agent


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39449/