Title: Employee Performance Measurement Design in the Planning Division at CV Karya Mandiri Example

Author: Ahmad Habibi Kurniawan

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



CV Example Karya Mandiri is a company operating in the field of construction, architecture and supervision consulting services. In terms of performance management, the company, especially in the Planning Division, still does not have performance measurements that represent the existing performance conditions in the Planning Division of CV Example Karya Mandiri. This research aims to analyze and evaluate job descriptions and job specifications for each position to clarify job specifications and descriptions and align them with the strategic plan of the CV Examples Karya Mandiri Planning Division, as well as determine key performance indicators to formulate individual performance assessments based on the results approach and work behavior. (work behavior) This research is exploratory research using a qualitative approach based on case studies. The types and sources of data used are archival records or company documents, interview reports and observations. The key informants used were the Director, Coordinator of the Planning Division and all staff in the Planning Division of CV CKM. The results of this research are individual performance measurements based on main performance indicators for employees of the Mandiri Example CV Planning division, which includes assessment of work results (results) and assessment of work behavior (work behavior).

Keywords: performance management, job specification, results, work behavior


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39195/