Title: Re-formulation of Strategic Supply Relationship PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero)


Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Collaboration within an organization is one of the keys to success in a relationship. Collaboration can also maximize profits between buyers and suppliers, by carrying out effective coordination, increasing knowledge for each member and solving problems together. PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), started from a shipyard called Marine Establishment (ME) and was inaugurated by the Dutch government in 1939, with the main activities of producing warships and commercial ships, providing ship repair and maintenance services, as well as general engineering with specifications certain based on order. The labor factor is one of the factors that influences company performance, such as worker performance, worker utilization, process efficiency and planning effectiveness. Careful planning can optimize workers when carrying out a production process which at a certain time requires a very large number of workers. The shipyard, in this case PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), uses subcontractor services as a form of cooperation between supplier and customer (Strategic Supplier Relationships), where the form of cooperation that has been formed so far is only in the form of cooperation in the service sector, while the material requirements required are carried out by selecting and working together. with several raw material suppliers. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by conducting a review of the internal conditions of PT PAL INDONESIA Surabaya Region with data collection carried out through observation and interviews via online email media and written interviews conducted with 5 key informants. This activity is useful for getting a systematic picture of the facts about the research object according to the main problem being studied, then making comparisons and analyzes with the theory used. The results of this research state that the system that has been running so far has not been effective due to the internal conditions of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) which do not support every process that occurs. The problems that arise then occur when every ongoing process is hampered by PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) bureaucracy and administrative processes which tend to take a long time, the design process which is always changing and then the payment process which hampers the performance of suppliers and subcontractors which then forms a new form of collaboration between PT PAL with Subcontractors and Suppliers. These suggestions include: PT PAL should improve the cooperation system between suppliers and subcontractors, PT PAL provides storage for materials and work tools, PT PAL uses an umbrella contract system, PT PAL uses the CESSI system, prepares competent human resources, and evaluate the performance of suppliers and subcontractors periodically.

Keywords: reformulation, strategic supply relationship


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39289/