Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



This research is motivated by the fact that many companies fail to execute their company strategy. This failure was not due to a wrong strategy, but rather due to the inability of executives to formulate this strategy into the company's daily operational activities. To overcome this problem, in the early 1990s Robert S.Kaplan and David P.Norton, through research on performance measurement in organizations, introduced the balanced scorecard (BSC). BSC is a tool that allows organizations to translate vision, mission and strategy into action where BSC provides feedback. In BSC there is a strategy map which is a way to provide a macro view of an organization's strategy and translate that strategy so that it can achieve organizational goals as well as key performance indicators (KPI) as a reference for performance benchmarks. However, in practice BSC is difficult to implement. According to Kaplan and Norton, there are two important factors that must be considered for successful BSC implementation, namely alignment and focus. This means that an organization in adopting BSC must pay attention to the harmony between BSC design, strategy map, vision, mission and strategy. Likewise, the KPIs set must truly be indicators that are worthy of being used as performance benchmarks. Therefore, researchers need to conduct research, which in this research evaluates the alignment of the strategy map and KPIs set by the organization in relation to the vision, mission, strategy and characteristics of a KPI. This research was carried out at the Islamic Hospital Surabaya I. As a reference for alignment, the researcher carried out several stages starting from analysis of the vision and mission against the criteria for a good vision and mission, analysis of the relationship between the components of the strategy map to the vision and mission, grouping of the components of the strategy map into a balanced perspective scorecard and KPI analysis of characteristics of performance measurement. The research results show that there is a link between the strategy map components and the hospital's vision and mission, but it does not cover all existing critical success factors. Meanwhile, the KPI components set by the hospital generally meet the characteristics of performance measurement. Therefore, the researcher gave advice to RS Islam Surabaya I to change the strategy map determined with the proposed strategy map.

Keywords: Vision, Mission, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map, Key Performance Indicator, Alignment, Characteristics of performance measurement


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39061/