Title: Financial Efficiency of Islamic Business Unit at Regional Development Banks in Java Island



Research on Islamic banks has grown rapidly, however, a special study on the regional development banks which belong to the local government. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of efficiency of sharia business unit's financial performance, regional bank development in Java Island, Indonesia. The method used is the Data Envelop Analysis with five banks and the period 2013 to 2015. The efficiency is an important factor in the development of a bank. Our results showed that the general level of efficiency of the regional development bank sharia business unit on the island of Java has achieved good efficiency, although there are some banks and a few years yet to achieve efficiency. The main factors that cause bank inefficiency include other operating costs and expenses for the results.

Keywords: Data Envelope Analysis; Efficiency; Regional Development Banks


Sources: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/asl/2017/00000023/00000009/art00034;jsessionid=67o8pd555cilm.x-ic-live-03