Affiliations : Master of Management Science Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



This research was conducted at the Aisyiyah Bangkalan Maternity Hospital. Because competition in the hospital industry is so tight, as a hospital that has only been established for a long time, the fluctuating number of patients each year must be followed up. The services provided are not only examinations, treatment, medical procedures and diagnostics, but also meet the needs and desires of patients. In these conditions, differentiation is very important to create new values ​​in winning the competition, namely through providing spiritual values. Paying attention to patients' spiritual needs can provide holistic services that directly facilitate positive health outcomes, especially in postpartum patients because spiritual and emotional needs are inseparable from physical and psychological needs. The birth process (parturition) can be carried out via vaginal delivery or caesarean section. When giving birth, the patient is faced with feelings of uncertainty regarding whether the birth will go smoothly, easily and safely, or vice versa. Likewise, whether the child born is alive or dead, if alive, is it normal and healthy or not. Apart from physical assistance, patients also need psychological assistance in the form of spiritual assistance. Spirituality is most often defined as an individual's connection or relationship with other powers outside himself. Efforts to fulfill the patient's spiritual needs can help their psychological condition. This research aims to identify the spiritual needs of parturition patients in various psychological conditions from admission to medical treatment at the Aisyiyah Maternity Hospital. In this way, the Aisyiyah Maternity Hospital can provide services that suit patient needs. From the research results, there are spiritual needs in parturition patients. This is because the psychological state of parturient patients during the birthing process is filled with negative and positive feelings. The spiritual need that occurs is full of negative thinking or mixed with positive as an interpretation of the birth process experienced. Then, in interpreting the birth process, the patient needs a relationship with God, questions or complains about what happened to him, or even believes in God's power by remembering Allah's name or making dhikr. Patients establish a relationship with God through spiritual activities or practices such as praying and reciting shalawat. Apart from that, patients also need support from family and medical personnel. After knowing the spiritual needs of parturition patients, it is hoped that Aisyiyah Maternity Hospital can improve spiritual services for patients to deal with the psychological conditions they face. Holistic services can also be created at the Aisyiyah Maternity Hospital in the face of competition.

Keywords: Differentiation, Needs and desires of consumers, Spiritual needs


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/37333/