Title: Optimizing Zakat Distribution at Three National Zakat Amil Institutions in Surabaya
Author: Nabilla Rizka Ardiani
Affiliations : Master of Economics Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia
Publisher: Universitas Airlangga
Zakat is a form of worship that emphasizes social aspects. The function of zakat is to prevent the accumulation of wealth and channel this wealth to those who need it and have the right to receive it so as to create prosperity in society. Optimizing the potential of zakat is needed so that the collected zakat can be utilized properly with the aim of improving the welfare of mustahik. Therefore, Amil Zakat has an important role in the distribution of zakat because it is an intermediary institution that manages zakat from muzakki to be distributed to mustahik. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the main objective to be achieved in this research is to determine the optimization of zakat distribution. Data collection was carried out through interviews with institutions and zakat recipients, data from institutions, as well as documentation and observation. The results of this research show that in the zakat distribution process, the Amil Zakat YDSF Institution (Al Falah Social Fund Foundation), Nurul Hayat, and Yatim Mandiri have the same distribution process with different characteristics. The YDSF Amil Zakat Institution (Al Falah Social Fund Foundation) distributes zakat funds for consumptive, the Nurul Hayat Amil Zakat Institution distributes its zakat for consumptive and productive where its flagship program is empowerment, and the Yatim Mandiri Amil Zakat Institution distributes its zakat for consumptive and productive where the program The priority is education.
Keywords: Optimization, Zakat Distribution, Utilization