Title: The Influence of Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Economics and Environmental Conditions on Happiness in Indonesia

Author: Dewi Nandini
Universitas Airlangga

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)




Measuring a country's progress so far still emphasizes economic indicators. Although the belief that material wealth provides greater life satisfaction is still strong, it is hoped that the emergence of the idea of ​​measuring happiness can complement existing economic indicators. The biophilia hypothesis explains how environmental conditions influence happiness. Air and water pollution in Indonesia which is getting worse will ultimately have an impact on happiness as a proxy for well-being. This research analyzes the influence of socio-demographic characteristics, economics, and environmental conditions (presence of water and air pollution) on happiness in Indonesia by utilizing 2017 SPTK data. The estimation results using ordered logit regression found that the head of the household/spouse has a higher chance of being happy if you have a higher income, are married, are in healthier physical condition, have higher education, are satisfied with their job, and live in an environment where the water and air are not polluted. Meanwhile, age has a significant effect in a U shape with minimum happiness estimated to occur around the age of 49 years. Other findings show that heads of household/partners who do not work have a greater chance of being happy than those who work. This research provides recommendations to the government to pay more attention to improving happiness data, non-material development such as health, education and employment as well as increasing efforts to preserve the environment.

Keywords: Happiness, Ordered Logit Regression, SPTK 2017


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/103910