Title: The Influence of Corruption and Government Quality on the Convergence of Economic Growth in Asia
Author: Khubbi Abdillah
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type: Thesis (Dissertation)
This research aims to analyze the influence of corruption and government quality on the convergence of economic growth in Asia. The analysis technique used in this research uses the dynamic panel regression method (GMM). Calculation of the convergence dispersion σ in Asia tends to increase. The research results show that there is no absolute β convergence and conditional β convergence in Asia. The results of the conditional β convergence estimation show that control of corruption, political stability, government effectiveness, quality of legislation, rule of law, and trade openness have a significant positive effect on economic growth, while initial GDP per capita and government consumption have a significant negative effect on growth. economy in Asia. Foreign investment and voting rights and accountability do not have a significant effect on economic growth in Asia. Policy recommendations show that poor countries need to accelerate development to reach a stable condition, reduce levels of corruption, maintain political stability, improve the quality of public services, provide ease of doing business, enforce the rule of law, control government consumption expenditure, and encourage trade openness.
Keywords: Corruption, Government Quality, Convergence of Economic Growth