Title : Export Development Strategy for 4 Indonesian Plantation Commodities
Author : Erlambang Budi Darmanto
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)



This research aims to (1) a. analyze the influence of total consumption, exchange rate, export goods price index, logistics performance index and ACFTA dummy on the export performance of coffee beans, natural rubber, cocoa beans and palm oil. b. analyzing the priority weight of factor conditions, competition, demand conditions, related supporting industry as export development factors for 4 Indonesian plantation commodities. (2) formulate an export development strategy for 4 Indonesian plantation commodities based on the highest priority weight of factor conditions, competition, demand conditions, related supporting industry. The analysis technique used consists of two techniques, namely: (1) GMM analysis technique. (2) AHP analysis technique. The primary data GMM analysis technique was obtained from interviews with export business actors. Secondary data was obtained from the Research and Development Agency of the Department of Agribusiness, BI, BPS, World Bank, BIS, ITC, IMF. Primary data for AHP analysis was obtained from the results of key respondent questionnaires conducted in Beijing and Tianjin, China. Secondary data was obtained from BI, BPS and World Bank. The research results obtained are: (1) For the coffee bean commodity, the variables total consumption, exchange rate and logistic performance index show a significant positive relationship. The price index for export goods shows a negative relationship. The ACFTA dummy shows a positive relationship which means that trade creation occurs (2) In natural rubber commodities, the total consumption variable, the export goods price index and the logistics performance index show a negative relationship. The exchange rate shows a positive relationship. The ACFTA dummy shows a positive relationship which means trade creation occurs (3) In the cocoa bean commodity, the total consumption and exchange rate variables show a positive relationship. The price index for exported goods and the logistics performance index show a negative relationship. The ACFTA dummy shows that the relationship has no effect on cocoa bean commodity exports. (4) For palm oil commodities, the variables total consumption and exchange rate show a negative relationship. The price index for exported goods and the logistics performance index show a positive relationship. The ACFTA dummy shows a positive relationship which means trade creation occurs (5) the demand condition factor has the highest priority weight in determining the export development strategy for 4 plantation commodities. (6) determining strategies based on demand condition factors, namely: a. Export duty tariff (TBK) implementation policy, b. creation of a conducive business climate, c. Government Collaboration with Research Institutes The recommendations given are: (1) the government and exporters need to take the opportunity to meet the increase in consumption in destination countries. (2) the government needs to maintain exchange rate stability (3) exporters are able to determine competitive prices in accordance with international market commodity prices. (4) the government optimizes the improvement, distribution and ease of infrastructure services in the port sector, customs clearance services and the customs system (5) the government and exporters need to optimize the ACFTA agreement and carry out bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other market share countries such as Malaysia, America and Singapore ( 6) the government is able to make policies that can encourage demand condition factors.

Keywords: export development strategy, 4 Indonesian plantation commodities, GMM, AHP


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/104863