Title : The Influence of Government Expenditures in the Education and Health Sectors on the Absorbed Workforce in Regencies/Cities of East Java Province
Author : Soehartatiek
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)



Employment is a problem that has always been a major concern of the central government and regional governments. Seeing the importance of regional government policies in overcoming economic problems, especially regarding the main sectors that contribute greatly to national output, this needs to be explored and developed. One of the ways in which the government's efforts to increase the workforce are absorbed is through the allocation of capital expenditure which is aimed at the education sector and the health sector. This research aims to analyze the influence of capital expenditure in the education sector and the health sector on the workforce absorbed in the Regency/City of East Java Province in 2009-2017. The approach used is quantitative research using the Fixed Effect Model panel data model. The research results show that. The education sector expenditure variable and the health sector expenditure variable have a significant effect on the number of workers absorbed in the Regency/City of East Java Province

Keywords: Government Expenditure, Education, Health, Labor, Panel data


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/104861