Title : Waqf Islamic Boarding School Management Model (Study at Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java)
Author : Daniar
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)



Waqf in Islam is not just a worship activity, but is part of the Islamic financial system which can be a source of social and religious funds if managed professionally. Various studies and research have integrated waqf as Islamic social finance which can alleviate poverty and improve the welfare of the people. In Islamic history, waqf has a central role and is fully supported in the development of education, such as Al-Azhar Egypt which has become part of the history of the success of waqf to date. The same system was then developed by various educational institutions in the world, for example Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cambridge, Indonesian Islamic University, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (Pondok Modern Gontor) and others. The success of Pondok Modern Gontor in empowering its waqf assets attracted researchers to propose a management model for the Pondok Modern Gontor waqf Islamic boarding school and diagnose various obstacles and obstacles in its implementation using a management functions approach which includes planning, organizing, leadership and control. Then submit proposals, solutions and improvement programs, and the results can become a blueprint for waqf management in the waqf Islamic boarding school environment. This model is urgent, considering the large number of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, reaching approximately 26,000 institutions. Research with a modified action research approach was carried out in five stages, namely diagnosing the management of the Pondok Modern Gontor waqf Islamic boarding school, making an action plan, implementing the action plan (action taking), evaluating and reflecting learning in one form. round (cycle). The results of this research show that the Pondok Modern Gontor waqf Islamic boarding school management model was developed in the form of an enterprise which is applied in various business sectors. This model produces high waqf benefits and can fulfill Pondok Modern Gontor's operations independently. However, at the same time, the empowerment of waqf Islamic boarding school assets does not yet have enterprise standards, adequate human resources, and extensive networking which is an obstacle to its development. Furthermore, research problems are solved by optimizing internal potential in collaboration with universities, institutions, institutions and organizations that have good process control over these problems. Furthermore, the proposed development is implemented in stages, starting from education, realization and initiation in accordance with the religious and cultural values ​​that underlie all Pondok Modern Gontor's activities and activities. Overall, it can be stated that the management of the Pondok Modern Gontor waqf Islamic boarding school has unique characteristics, integrating classical and modern scientific methods. Managed traditionally but open to modernity, so it is easy and open to various necessary adjustments. Therefore, the Pondok Modern Gontor waqf Islamic boarding school management model is relevant to be used as a model for maintaining and developing the assets of waqf Islamic boarding schools and Islamic boarding schools that manage waqf at the same time.

Keywords: Waqf Management, Pondok Modern Gontor, Islamic Social Finance, Enterprises


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/95130