Title : The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance (Study of Star Hotel Employees in South Kalimantan Province)
Author : Suyatno
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)



This research aims to obtain empirical evidence by proving the influence of transformational leadership and perceived organizational support on employee engagement, organizational commitment and employee performance. This research is an explanatory quantitative research with a research population of 5β7 employees of 7 (seven) star hotels in South Kalimantan Province who implement transformational leadership. This research used a sample of ββ7 employees (4γ%) male and female and a proportional stratified random sampling technique. The results of research on the direct influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables show a significant influence in a positive direction, namely (1) the influence of transformational leadership and perceived organizational support on employee engagement, (β) the influence of transformational leadership, perceived organizational support and employee engagement on organizational commitment, and (γ) the influence of transformational leadership, perceived organizational support, employee engagement, and organizational support on employee engagement. Furthermore, testing the indirect influence through intermediary variables shows (1) employee engagement can partially mediate the influence of transformational leadership and perceived organizational support on organizational commitment, (β) organizational commitment can partially mediate the influence of transformational leadership, perceived organizational support and employee engagement on employee performance.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Perceived Organizational Support, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance.


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/75132