Author : Supriyanto
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)



The objectives of this study are: First, to find the influence of service leadership on lecturer performance; Second, to find the influence of affective commitment on lecturer performance; Third, to find the effect of work motivation on lecturer performance; Fourth, to find the influence of service leadership on the quality of lecturer services; Fifth, to find the effect of affective commitment on the quality of lecturer services; Sixth, to find the effect of work motivation on the quality of lecturer services; and Seventh, to find the influence of lecturer performance on the quality of lecturer services at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The research design used was explanatory research with a population of 205 people. The sampling technique used was proportionate stratified random sampling. Meanwhile, to determine the number of samples in this study, the Solvin formula was used, resulting in a sample size of 136 people. The data in this research were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques via the Partial Least Squares (PLS) computer program package. The research results show that: First Hypothesis, service leadership has a significant effect on the performance of lecturers at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the first hypothesis produced a path coefficient for the influence of service leadership on teacher performance with a value of 0.351 and a t-count of 2.759. The t-count value > t-table, then the hypothesis that the dean's service leadership has a significant effect on lecturer performance at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of service leadership on lecturer performance; Second Hypothesis, effective commitment has a significant effect on the performance of lecturers at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the second hypothesis produced a path coefficient for the influence of affective commitment on teacher performance with a value of 0.006 and a t-count of 0.064. The t-count value < t-table, then the hypothesis that affective commitment has a significant effect on lecturer performance at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin, is rejected, meaning that there is no influence of affective commitment on lecturer performance; Third Hypothesis, work motivation has a significant effect on the performance of lecturers at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the third hypothesis produce a path coefficient for the influence of work motivation on lecturer performance with a value of 0.275 and a t-count of 2.295. The t-count value > t-table, then the hypothesis that work motivation has a significant effect on lecturer performance at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin, is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of motivation on lecturer performance; Fourth Hypothesis, service leadership has a significant effect on the quality of lecturer service at FIKP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the fourth hypothesis produced a path coefficient for the influence of service leadership on service quality with a value of 0.231 and a t-count of 2.303. The t-count value > t-table, then the hypothesis that the dean's service leadership has a significant effect on service quality at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of service leadership on service quality; Fifth Hypothesis, affective commitment has a significant effect on the quality of lecturer service at FIKP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis produced a path coefficient for the influence of affective commitment on service quality with a value of 0.236 and a t-count of 2.690. The t-count value > t-table, then the hypothesis that affective commitment has a significant effect on service quality at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of affective commitment on service quality; Sixth Hypothesis, work motivation has a significant effect on the quality of lecturer service at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the sixth hypothesis produced a path coefficient for the influence of work motivation on service quality with a value of 0.239 and a t-count of 2.140. The t-count value > t-table, then the hypothesis that work motivation has a significant effect on service quality at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of work motivation on service quality; Seventh hypothesis, lecturer performance has a significant effect on the quality of service at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin. The results of testing the seventh hypothesis produced a path coefficient for the influence of lecturer performance on service quality with a value of 0.191 and a tcount of 2.121. The t-count value > t-table, then the hypothesis that lecturer performance has a significant influence on service quality at FKIP UNLAM Banjarmasin is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of performance on service quality.

Keywords: Service Leadership, Affective Commitment, Work Motivation, Lecturer Performance, and Service Quality


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/71878