Title : MARKET KNOWLEDGE COMPETENCE (MKC) TOWARDS PRODUCT ADAPTATION STRATEGIES AND EXPORT MARKETING PERFORMANCE: Empirical Study of Wood and Rattan Furniture Exporters in East Java, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan
Author : Muhammad Naparin
Universitas Airlangga
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)



Export marketing has the most important role in international marketing science, it constitutes a tool in the effort to increase foreign exchange reserves, employment absorption, productivity and social welfare. The final objective of export marketing is to increase sustained superior Export Marketing Performance (EMP) whether economic, strategic or perceptual. However, an investigation on market knowledge based competence and its effects to product adaptation strategy as well as export marketing performance is lacking and not explained clearly. In addition, how market orientation culture in organizations affects behavioral aspects of market knowledge competence also needs to be explained. This study aims to examine and analyze the effects of Market Orientation (MO) culture on Market Knowledge Competence (MKC), and the effect of MKC on Export Marketing Performance by two different ways, those are direct effect (non-mediated) and mediated effect through Product Adaptation Strategy. In the model, MO consists of Customer Orientation and Competitor Orientation, and MKC consists of Customer Knowledge Competence (CusKC), Competitor Knowledge Competence (ComKC), and Cross-Functional Collaboration (Cross-F). Data ware collected by census from 45 exporting firms of wooden and rattan furniture in East Java, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, 42 respondents are usable and analyzed with PLS (Partial Least Squares). The findings show culture of market orientation affects significantly to MKC and all elements of MKC affect significantly to Product Adaptation Strategy, but only CusKC affects significantly to Export Marketing Performance and the two other elements (ComKC and Cross-F) are not significant.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Market Orientation, Market Knowledge Compatibility, Product Adaptation Strategy, Export Marketing Performance


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/64051