On Saturday (15/10), the Islamic Economics study program took part in a comparative study event with Sharia Economics at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). The event began with remarks from the Head of the IPB Sharia Economics Department, Mr. Dr. Asep Nurhalim, Lc, Mpdi. and continued with remarks from Mrs. Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE,. MS, Chair of the Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Airlangga. Next, the friendly activity was opened by showing videos from both departments.


The following activity was a sharing session from the two departments starting from IPB. Mrs. Laily Dwi Arsyianti, Dr., SE, M.Sc, as Secretary of the Department explained about curriculum mapping which adapts to the Independent Campus curriculum. The Department of Sharia Economics also adopts sister majors and minors. Where majors are courses that are taught and minors are courses outside the study program that must be taught by each student.  

 After that, the presentation of Islamic Economics was continued by Mr. Sulistya Rusgianto SE, MIF, Ph.D. He explained about the Islamic Economics department which every year always collaborates with regional and national institutions such as the Sharia Economic Society (MES), the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS), and the Association of Islamic Economic Experts, as well as international campuses, such as Universiti Malaya and Islamic Science University Malaysia. The Department of Islamic Economics has also developed a Sustainable Education for All strategy, in which education becomes the core of the department's activities and programs. It was also explained that the department is trying to establish an integrated lab which will focus on Islamic finance, social finance and sociopreneurship.

After that, the friendly activity between the two departments closed with a question and answer session. Both IPB Sharia Economics and UNAIR Islamic Economics agreed to work together in conducting research on halal products to journal publications. The event that afternoon closed with an appearance from IPB Sharia Economics and a group photo.