On Friday, May 7 2021, a "Productive Waqf National Webinar" was held via zoom which was attended by several figures and resource persons, namely Mohammad Nuh as Chairman of the Pekasana Board of the Indonesian Waqf Board, KH Ma'ruf Amin as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Perry Warijiyo as Governor Bank Indonesia, and Erick Thohir as General Chair of the Sharia Economic Community as well as resource persons namely Oni Sahroni, Imam Teguh Saptono, Bobby P. Manulang, Murniati Mukhlisin and Raditya Sukmana as Moderator.

This event opened with remarks from Mohammad Nuh who discussed the new era or revival of National Waqfism. He stated that this new era is marked by the growth of collective awareness across social structures regarding waqf, using blockchain technology in managing waqf, awareness in managing waqf assets based on good waqf governance, diversification of waqf assets which now do not have to be land waqf, but can be used with other instruments. .

The next speech was given by Pahala Mansury as Chair of the six MES. Conveying future hopes for all of us can increase literacy and contribution to waqf. The third speech was delivered by Perry Warjiyo. He took the example that development during the time of the Apostle and Companions involved contributions through waqf. Therefore, he invited all participants to carry out development with the potential for productive waqf. The final remarks were delivered by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma'ruf Amin. Provide direction to all parties to work together and increase the potential of productive waqf.


