On Saturday, May 8 2021, the Islamic Economics department, Faculty of Business Economics Universitas Airlangga held a Guest Lecture on Sharia Bank Management with the theme "Development of Digital Banking in Sharia Banking" with two speakers, Kindy Miftah, SE, M.Si and Syaifullah Asyik, ST., MM. The event was opened by the MC and remarks by Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE, M.Si, head of UNAIR Islamic Economics Study Program. Then the event was handed over to the Moderator, Mr. Denizar Abdurrahman Mi'raj, S.EI, M.SEI., Lecturer at the Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Airlangga .

Then the material delivered by Mr. Kindy Miftah, SE, M.Si, Assistant Vice President of Sharia Retail and Business Banking Analytics. In his material, he stated that Indonesia is actually ranked first in the world in the use of online transportation applications (65%), online ordering (71%), and other aspects. Indonesian banking is not number one in banking and finance, but its development is relatively good and positive. Therefore, banking digitalization has become a necessity, no longer optional.

Digital systems actually existed 10 years ago in 2011, but have only boomed in the last 5 years. In fact, now online banks are starting to appear, namely banks whose services are fully online. He also stated that Sharia Banks could compete with Conventional Banks.

In today's digital era, mobile banking will not develop if the digital ecosystem does not develop. Meanwhile, Sharia Banks are increasingly solid in retail banking, ready to serve the digital ecosystem. Mr. Kindy also conveyed the keys to successful digitalization of Sharia banking, namely: continuous improvement, data analytics, promotion, build up ecosystem.

Then the second speaker, Mr. Syaifullah Asyik, ST., MM., Main Director of BPRS Bakti Artha Sejahtera Sampang Perseroda, presented his material. He said that digital banking is not only about large commercial banks such as BNI, BRI, BSI, Maybank, and the like, but also about BPRS banks which are close to the private sector and below.

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BPRS banks still have many shortcomings and are lagging behind commercial banks due to several factors, such as not being able to transfer to other banks, but BPRS will try to do better to catch up. One of the factors is the state of society which is still technologically illiterate and cannot yet understand technology as quickly as city residents. The strategy implemented by BPRS in order to develop is to synergize by mutually strengthening BPRS BAS Sampang with Commercial Banks. Several commercial banks that collaborate with BPRS are Bank Permata Syariah, Bank Muamalat, and Bank Danamon Syariah. He dreams of BPRS having the same system as Commercial Banks one day.

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After the question and answer session, there were closing statements from the two presenters. One of the things he mentioned was a proposal for a course on digital banking so that it would be directly proportional to collaboration between industry and lectures on the subject. After that, the closing statement was made by Mrs. Sri Herianingrum and closed by the MC. (Fath/DES)