The Boosting Halal Industry Trough Information Technology event on Thursday, April 22 2021 invited two presenters, namely Mrs. Hastining Bagyo Astuti or better known as Mrs. Naning, as Vice President of Telkomsel, and Mrs. Ririn Tri Ratnasari as Head of Center for Halal Industry Digitalization.

Dr. Sulistya Rusgianto as Moderator at the Webinar Boosting Halal Industry Through Information Technology Doc: DES

On this occasion, Mrs. Naning provided insight into business and technology. He stated that the level of digital consumption experienced an increase yoy in 2018-2019. Apart from that, the outbreak of Covid-19 has also accelerated digital adoption in many fields.

Indus Halal Documentation

Mrs. Naning on the occasion of the presentation on the Digitalization of Halal Industry Doc: DES

According to Mrs. Naning, there are four biggest business challenges:

  1. Staying innovative
  2. Provides security across multiple platforms and users
  3. Efficiency, and
  4. Collect, process and utilize Customer Experiences

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Dr. Ririn Tri Ratnasari provides insight into future research in the field of Halal Industry Doc: DES

In the next session, Mrs. Ririn explained several research results related to the development of the halal industry. He explained that the value of Muslim consumption reached 3.2 trillion dollars. The most significant developments in the halal industry are halal cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and fashion also has good prospects.

Mrs. Ririn also added that it is hoped that Indonesia will not only become a consumer but also a producer so that a halal ecosystem is created. The role of halal industry has a big influence on Indonesia's economic growth. The hope is that halal behavior becomes halal lifestyle.

Apart from that, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a long-term reference. From SGDs you can get healthy food, halal and good. The real step for this SGDs point is the existence of halal certification. How do we increase awareness and attention so as to create a halal ecosystem.

The final session continued with Ice Breaking, which added to the excitement of providing material and a series of Webinar events held by the Department of Sharia Economics. (MUA/DEC)

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