Universitas Airlangga experiment feb unairAccounting Doctoral Program Student Association is proud to present: Experiment, Writing and Publication Webinar "Successful Strategies for Turning Experimental Research Results into Scopus Journal Articles". This event presented Prof. Dr. I Made Narsa, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA., Professor of Accounting, Universitas Airlangga . This webinar is not only a means of sharing knowledge for academic participants and students but also supports sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially on points:
1. Quality Education (SDG 4) - This webinar provides high quality education through scientific writing guidelines and publications according to standards internationally, as well as broadening participants' horizons in Scopus journal publications.
2. Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG 9) - This webinar promotes relevant research to support evidence-based policy making, supporting innovation in the socio-economic field.
3. Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17) - Collaboration between students, universities and expert sources shows strong collaboration to build academic networks that support the achievement of global goals.
Prof. Dr. I Made Narsa, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA., highlighted the importance of selecting a strong research design, such as the Solomon Four Group Design, as well as the role of Internal Validity or Causality in ensuring reliable research results.
Apart from discussing research techniques, Prof. Narsa also shares a number of tricks and strategies for writing scientific articles for publication in reputable international journals. He emphasized several key steps, namely: Selecting topics that are relevant and provide new contributions to the development of science and technology (IPTEK), selecting appropriate and innovative experimental designs, to ensure research results have a high level of validity and carrying out experiments correctly by utilizing the platform modern research. This presentation provides practical insight for participants, especially students and academics, about how to produce quality research that is not only able to answer scientific questions, but also has the potential to be accepted in journals of global reputation.
This event received extraordinary enthusiasm, with participants actively discussing how to apply experimental research designs to solve global issues. This webinar is clear proof that academics have an important role in encouraging innovation and creating research-based solutions to world challenges.
Event Details:
🗓 Date: Wednesday, 20 November 2024
🕘 Time: 09.00 - 12.00 WIB
📍 Place: Online (Zoom)
🎓 Presenter:
Prof. Dr. I Made Narsa, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA (Lecturer at PDIA Universitas Airlangga )
🎤 Moderator:
Harfiani Indah Rakhma Ningtyas, SSt., MSA (PDIA Student Universitas Airlangga )
🎓 Facilities:
• E-Certificate
• Knowledge Precious
📞 Further information:
Eny Maryanti: 0822-3025-3256