The Universitas Airlangga Doctoral Accounting Study Program Student Association is proud to present Workshop Series #3 with the theme "Research Methodology Workshop with Bootstrapping Technique by Hayes". This workshop is open to the public and is a golden opportunity for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the Bootstrapping Technique, a statistical method that is increasingly relevant in modern accounting research.
🗓 Date: Tuesday, 03 September 2024
📍 Place: Online & Onsite at KRMT Hall. Tirtodiningrat FEB Universitas Airlangga
🎓 Presenters:
Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak. (PDIA Universitas Airlangga & DSAK IAI Member)
Pipin Kurnia SE., M., Ak., Ak., CA (PDIA Universitas Airlangga & Riau University Lecturer)
🎤 Moderators:
Yuni Shara, SE., M. Si (PDIA Student Universitas Airlangga)
This event is part of Hima PDIA Universitas Airlangga commitment to supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 4, which focuses on providing quality education that is inclusive and equitable. By opening access to the public, Hima PDIA seeks to create educational opportunities for more individuals, both academics, practitioners and the general public. This workshop not only aims to increase participants' capacity in advanced research techniques, but also to ensure that the knowledge and skills acquired can contribute to the development of quality education.
Through this initiative, Hima PDIA plays an active role in strengthening the quality of higher education in Indonesia and supports the equitable development of competencies across various groups, so that more individuals have access to quality knowledge. It is hoped that active involvement in this workshop will have a broad positive impact, in accordance with the SDGs vision point 4 in creating lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Get ready to learn directly from experts in the field and take your accounting research skills to the next level. Waiting for your presence!
🔗 Register now and don't miss out!