Webinar Series #2 : Finding Research Ideas Using Mapping Research


On March 11 2023, the PDIA Universitas Airlangga Accounting Student Association (HIMA) held a research workshop with the theme of finding research ideas with Mapping Research. A total of 27 people consisting of students and practitioners participated in this workshop with great enthusiasm. The main speaker was Mr. Fajar Oditama, who is from the class of 2022, Universitas Airlanggaaccounting science doctoral program.


The issue of research ideas is very important for accounting students considering their obligation to publish articles in international journals and dissertations. The existence of Mapping Research can make it easier for students to explore research ideas from various international journals. Apart from that, Mapping Research is now also made easier with various kinds of software such as Mendeley and VosViewer. The hope is that with this activity it will be easier for students to explore accounting research trends in the past and projections for the future.