Bulletins and Magazines are one of the outputs of the LPPM Sector's internal work program which goes through a reporting, editing and layout process. Bulletins and Magazines present updated themes that are currently a problem in society, so that Bulletins and Magazines present various points of view for presenting the information.

The bulletin is a monthly work program which in practice is published once a month. Meanwhile, the magazine is a one-year program, that is, in one period the management produces output once. One of the bulletin themes was taken from the results of the work carried out by new members of the LPPM Sector, namely, Mass Transportation. Meanwhile, the magazine highlights the Digital Economy.

In practice, these two outputs contain information about the themes raised and then inform them via online media (downloadable PDF). Also, internal LPPM Sector members can hone their skills in writing, photography and layout, which are basic skills that every LPPM Sector member must have.