
International Youth Leader batch 11 is an international conference held at Singapore Management University, Singapore on 13 - 15 October 2019. The theme raised at this event was "International Business". This activity aims to shape Indonesian students to have the character of leaders with integrity, creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit. 


IYL Batch 11 Singapore has several series of events designed to introduce international business to Indonesian students and then implemented in the form of a Business Plan Competition. The International Youth Leader batch 11 Singapore delegation was attended by various universities in Indonesia, including the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Universitas Airlangga , UGM, UPI, State University of Malang, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, STIKES Kusuma Husada Surakarta, Halu Oleo University Kendari, etc. On the first day, participants received material about international business from mentors, then participants formed groups to implement their business ideas to be presented on the third day. On the second day, the participants conducted market research on Jalan Arab, which is one of the centers for shops and souvenirs in Singapore. Lots of foreign tourists visit this place. The students conducted interviews at various shops and tourists there to support their business projects. On the last day they conducted an FGD and presented the results of their business project in front of the judges and participants on the Singapore Management University campus.



Universitas Airlangga 2017 undergraduate Islamic Economics study program student, Mohamad Agus Nur Rohman and his team succeeded in winning Best Group in the Business Plan Competition held at this international conference. The business idea they raised was about Nusantara Coffee.