TEMILREG (Regional Scientific Meeting)

Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang


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TEMILREG (Regional Scientific Meeting) East Java Islamic Economic Study Silaturrahim Forum (FoSSEI) through KSEI at the Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang or commonly known as SESCOM (Sharia Economic Student Community). as a forum for Islamic Economics activists, they will hold an annual event, namely the 2019 Regional Scientific Meeting with the theme "Strenghthening Halal Industry Through Increasing Islamic Financial Literacy in the Digital Era". The competitions held at TEMILREG 2019 include: Islamic Economics Olympiad, Scientific Writing, and Pitching Competition.

Universitas Airlangga students participated in the 2019 TEMILREG series of events, by sending 27 students consisting of two KSEIs (KSEI AcSES and Hima Ekis Unair) in three different competitions including the Islamic Economics Olympiad, Scientific Writing, and Pitching Competition. The Islamic Economics Olympiad is a competition that aims to measure students' level of understanding of Islamic Economics both theoretically and practically. Apart from that, it is hoped that this Olympiad can become a motor of encouragement for students to develop their abilities in the field of Islamic Economics in order to popularize the shared concept of Islamic Economics as an alternative economic system and in turn it is hoped that it can become a means of Islamic brotherhood accompanied by a competitive, brotherly and Islamic atmosphere. Meanwhile, Scientific Writing itself is a scientific writing competition with the theme "Strenghthening Halal Industry Through Increasing Islamic Financial Literacy in the Digital Era". And the Pitching Competition is a competition that aims to enable participants to use and utilize technological developments to support the business they want to run and make it happen. It is hoped that this business idea will be able to provide a good social impact on society.

The series of TEMILREG 2019 events on the first day, February 24 2019, is the Technical Meeting. On the second day, February 25 2019, was the opening of TEMILREG 2019, a National Seminar with speakers from the Financial Services Authority, Prita Hapsari Ghozie (Financial Educator and Co-Founder, and CEO of Malang Strudle), preliminary round of the Islamic Economics Olympiad, semi-final round of the Writing Competition Scientific, semi-final round (presentation of 5 teams) from the Pitching Competition, Forum Group Discussion for the brothers, and Heroine Talk Show for the brothers. On the last day, 26 February 2019 were the semi-final and final rounds of the Islamic Economics Olympiad, the final round of the Writing Competition. scientific, semi-final round (presentation of 5 teams) and final Pitching Competition, Field Trip, then Announcement of Champions.

The delegation from Universitas Airlangga , namely KSEI Hima Ekis, won the General Champion, and 3 teams from KSEI Hima Ekis and 1 team from KSEI AcSES won the championship in each branch of the competition.

The first branch of the competition was the Islamic Economics Olympiad which was attended by:

3rd place

Hima Ekis Team: Raihan Husain M (041811433055) Islamic Economics 2018

Elok Aprilia Imroatus Soliha (041711433026) Islamic Economics 2017

 Mar'atus Sholikah (041711433060) Islamic Economics 2017

The second branch of the competition is Scientific Writing which is attended by:

Runner up

Hima Ekis Team: Abdul Kafi (041611433) Islamic Economics 2016

Evi Aninatin Ni'matul Choiriyah (041611433093) Islamic Economics 2016

Irma Fikhotul Hikmah (041611433 ) Islamic Economics 2016

The third branch of competition is the Pitching Competition which is attended by:

Champion number 1

KSEI AcSES Team: Arif Kathon Subekti (041611233165) Management 2016

Putri Thoyyibah (041611233214) Management 2016

Irma Yanti (041711133026) Development Economics 2017

3rd place

KSEI Hima Ekis Team: Maulana Izzul Haq (041811433038) Islamic Economics 2018

Shelin Suryani (041811433040) Islamic Economics 2018

Arva Athallah Susanto (041811433037) Islamic Economics 2018