Wednesday Afternoon Study

MOSAIC Wednesday Evening Study

“If a human being dies then his deeds will be cut off except for three things; from alms or knowledge that is taken advantage of or pious children who pray for it." (HR. Muslim no. 1631). Studying religion is important, isn't it? So at Mosaic you can learn religion by following "KRS". What is KRS? KRS is a routine study held by the Syiar MOSAIC FEB Unair division every Wednesday afternoon at the Nuruzzaman Mosque, Campus B, Universitas Airlangga . This KRS is a study that discusses the book Bulughul Marom and also studies with certain themes. The themes chosen in the study were also obtained from student surveys. So the themes that are most interesting and urgent among students will be discussed in this KRS. The aim of KRS itself is to support increasing participants' faith by filling themselves with religious knowledge. So it is hoped that Islamic da'wah can spread widely, especially among students so that we can both improve ourselves.

Quoting from a message delivered by Ustadz Baihaqi, Lc. namely "looking for worldly affairs is permissible but it must be balanced with intentions and the hereafter, for these intentions we need knowledge and study, because learning is an decoration for ourselves, especially if a knowledgeable person bases his knowledge on faith and good deeds, the blessings of the knowledge he has will definitely be useful for all people"