pkp welcome party 2024The PD FEB 2024 Welcome Party is an activity to welcome new FEB UNAIR Christian students class of 2024. Later this activity will be filled with group worship, sharing, listening to sermons or the word of God, games, and also bonding between people. Through the PD FEB 2024 Welcome Party activity, it is hoped that new Christian students will feel warmly welcomed because they have become an extended PKP family. New students are also expected to get to know each other so that they can strengthen their family and together build faith in God as the initial foundation for carrying out daily study activities. This supports the implementation of SDGs 3, Good Health and Well-Being, because this activity can support mental well-being. New students know that they are not alone because there is always God who accompanies their lives and they can meet their brothers and sisters in arms and also generations from various study programs so that they hope to support their study life. The PD FEB 2024 Welcome Party will be held on Friday, 27 September 2024, 17.45 - 20.00 WIB, at the Mindrowo Hall FEB UNAIR.