capacity building feb unairThe Economics Doctoral Student Association initiated the "Capacity Building" Economics Doctoral Student Association activity on Tuesday-Wednesday, June 15-16 2024. In this series of activities, HIMA administrators were provided with essential knowledge and skills to carry out their respective main tasks and functions. .
In line with the achievement of SDGs 4 concerning Quality Education, this event not only provides an opportunity for administrators to hone their leadership, problem solving skills and develop self-image, but also improves family relationships within the organization. Through a holistic approach, "Proficiency Fusion" ensures that each participant receives an in-depth learning experience, encompassing academics, leadership and social interactions. Institutional strengthening is an activity that provides explanations related to the vision, mission, values ​​and objectives of the HIMA Doctoral Degree in Economics, organizational structure and job description for each administrator. Thus, the Upgrading Capacity Building program for the Doctoral Student Association in Economic Sciences is expected to create a positive contribution to quality. leadership and education for every Student Association administrator, in line with the vision and mission of SDGs 4 which advocates for inclusive, relevant and results-oriented access to education that can improve sustainable development. Apart from that, this activity is meaningful for all HIMA members to build interpersonal relationships outside the formal environment and create an atmosphere that strengthens emotional and family ties.
Increasing friendship between student association administrators and discussing Hima's work program for the current period and those that will be implemented for ongoing management and future management. 1. Program discussion and Post-Program Evaluation of HIMA related to jobdes between divisions
2. Getting to know HIMA member administrators
3. Discussion of prospective HIMA administrators in the future
4. Forecast and program planning for prospective HIMA administrators in the future

This activity helps to make the management of HIMA in the future better so that leadership and management can be carried out effectively and efficiently for the audience of PhD students in Economics.