feb unair assistanceThe Islamic Economics Doctoral Program Student Association (HIMA S3 IEI) Universitas Airlangga is once again holding a Reputable Journal Article Publication Assistance program which aims to assist researchers and academics in preparing their scientific work for publication in recognized international and national journals. This activity is important considering the increasing demands for quality in scientific publications, especially for doctoral students who are trying to increase recognition for their research in the global academic arena. This mentoring program will be held on Tuesday, October 22 2024, and is divided into two sessions focusing on two highly reputable journals. The first session, which will take place from 08.00 to 12.00 WIB at Universitas Airlangga , will focus on the Asian Journal of Accounting Research (AJAR). This journal is one of the prestigious publications indexed in SJR (Scimago Journal Rank) with a Q2 ranking, having a major influence in international financial and accounting literature. The second session will take place from 13.00 to 16.00 WIB at UIN Sunan Ampel and focuses on the Journal of Indonesian Islam, which has been accredited SINTA 1 and is one of the leading journals in Islamic studies in Indonesia.

This mentoring program is designed to provide practical guidance to researchers in facing the challenges of scientific publication, from preparing article structures that comply with reputable journal standards to the article submission process which is often full of challenges. Participants will be guided by experienced experts who will provide direct feedback on participants' draft articles, as well as share important tips for passing the strict selection from journal reviewers. This activity will also examine in more depth appropriate research methodology, as well as provide strategies for adapting research to the thematic focus desired by each journal. The Asian Journal of Accounting Research, as one of the accounting journals with a significant influence in international literature, offers great opportunities for academics who want to strengthen the credibility of their research in the global realm. Meanwhile, the Journal of Indonesian Islam, published by UIN Sunan Ampel, provides space for interdisciplinary research in Islamic studies, making it the right forum for researchers who focus on issues related to Islam in Indonesia and the world.

This activity is expected to help researchers, especially doctoral students, to increase their chances of publication in highly reputable journals. With guidance from experts, participants will be better prepared to face the revision process, provide feedback to reviewers, and improve the quality of articles to comply with international standards. This will not only help them in completing their doctoral studies, but also strengthen the image of Indonesian research on the international stage. For researchers who are interested in taking part in this activity, further information regarding registration and assistance mechanisms can be obtained through the available contacts or via the official HIMA S3 IEI Universitas Airlangga website. This program is open to all students and academics who are committed to improving the quality of their scientific publications in reputable journals.