Management Expo is one of the major events of the National Level Management Study Program Student Association Universitas Airlangga . This year, Expo Management entered its eighth successful year. And of course this year's Expo Management provides a new concept and color for all parties who are really looking forward to this event. Expo Management itself consists of six sub-events. Where each sub-event has a different type. That is:

  1. Management Photo Competition (MPC)

A prestigious photography competition event to showcase and demonstrate creative talents and skills in the field of photography that is full of stories and feelings. This event is aimed at all teenagers aged between 15-25 years throughout Indonesia.

  1. Universitas Airlangga Stock Exchange Competition ( UASTEC)

One of the trading between high school students throughout Indonesia. One of the events is supported by a special machine simulation owned by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga in collaboration with KSPM (Capital Market Study group)

  1. Management Band Festival ( MBF)

A competition event that aims to hone creativity and become a forum for young people throughout Indonesia to channel their interests and talents in the field of music

  1. Management Start-Up Challenge (MSC)

startup business work full of creativity and innovation that is different from the others. This event is aimed at high school and equivalent vocational school students as well as university students who feel challenged to convey creative ideas that bring change for certain aspects.

  1. National Business Case Competition (NBCC)

A competition and forum for opportunities to learn to solve business problems within the company with creativity and innovation. This competition is aimed at all students and students with an entrepreneurial .

  1. Management Olympiad (MO)

A competition to develop and hone skills in the field of management aimed at high school and vocational school students.

The peak event of this year's Management Expo itself falls on Sunday, October 21 2018. It takes place at Marvell City Surabaya. And this year, Expo Management had the opportunity to invite performers who were quite famous among themselves to enliven this year's Expo Management event. Namely, Adhitia Sofyan. Adhitia Sofyan will fill the event at that time Grand Final & Awarding Night to add excitement to the celebration of the eighth Management Expo.