(By: Mohammad Sofyan Hadi, Sarah Nuraini Maghfiroh)

The digital revolution in economic activities has encouraged people to change their consumption patterns from shopping through conventional stores to online shopping. Changes in people's consumption patterns have caused the closure of several conventional markets, but on the other hand, according to katadata.co.id, people's buying interest through online purchases is projected to continue to increase until 2022 , it is estimated that there will be 43.9 million buyers in 2022 with penetration of 15.7% of the total Indonesian population.

Based on the results of the DNA ecosystem survey (Device, Network, Apps) in 2018, internet users based on age were dominated by those aged 19 to 34 years at 49.52%, second place were those aged 35-54 at 29.55% and teenagers aged 13-18 years. as much as 16.68%, while based on occupation it is dominated by students. The average internet user in Indonesia accesses the internet for 8 hours 51 minutes a day. according to wearesocial, internet users in Indonesia spend the most time accessing social media, one of which is Instagram.

Instagram users from all over the world at the beginning of July 2011 were 10 million, then in April 2012 it increased to 30 million users, in the following year, at the end of 2013 Instagram users rose to 80 million users, Instagram users continued to increase until June 2018 to 1 billion users. In Indonesia, in 2018, Instagram users reached 55 million people and was ranked third in the world, after the United States and Brazil.

As the number of Instagram users increases, methods for marketing products through Instagram emerge, one of which is through Instagram users with lots of followers or known as celebgrams, the method of marketing products through celebgrams is usually called Celebrityendorsement , according to Shimp (2003:28) Celebrityendorsements are advertising supporters or figures (actors). , entertainer, or athlete) who are known to the public for their achievements in areas different from the product class being supported.

The rate for Celebrity endorsements depends on the number of followers and the type of post desired, for example the Awkarin starts from 1.5 million to 15 million depending on the type of post desired , then RiaRicis ranges from 5 to 8 million, apart from that the rate for posting on Ayu's Instagram feed Tingting is around 50 million . So how much influence do celebrity endorsements have on consumers' buying interest in consuming a product being promoted?

To examine how much influence celebrity endorsements have on consumers' buying interest, we will use the multiple regression analysis method, namely an analysis used to predict the condition (rise and fall) of the dependent variable if 2 or more independent variables as predictor factors are manipulated (increase). lower the value), the regression equation is

Y=b 0 +b 1 X 1 +b 2 X 2 +b n X n +e

Where Y is the dependent variable and X is the independent variable or independent variable.

For the first case the author used a research sample from the Instagram account @Joyagh, where the follower population as of April 23 2019 was 636,000. probability sampling is used , namely giving equal opportunities to the samples that have been determined, while the method uses simple random sampling , namely a way of taking samples from members of the population using a random system, where the sample for this research is 100 respondents who fill out the questionnaire online using online monkey survey application with an error rate or error tolerance of 10%. The variables used are 4 independent variables that have an influence , namely visibility (X1) , credibility (X2) , attractiveness (X3) , product match up (X4) and power (X 5 ) .

According to Rossiter and Percy (1997:294), visibility Visibility in the celebgram itself means how popular the celebgram is which can be shown through their Instagram followers . Credibility concerns the consumer's perception of the celebgram in terms of whether or not the message objectives of the advertisements created by the celebgram are achieved , according to Rossiter and Percy (1997:294). Credibility has 2 characteristics, namely expertise and trust, where the celebgram must have expertise and confidence in conveying the message . and the objectivity of program celebrities in instilling consumer confidence in consuming a product . Attractive veins are the characteristics of celebrities that become attractive through the level of similarity and the level of consumer liking for the product being promoted according to Mowen and Minor (2002: 405) . physique. An attractive person is perceived more positively and reflects better on the advertised brand than a person with average attractiveness. Product match up is a match between a celebrity's personality and the product being promoted. Power according to Rossiter and Percy (1997:297) is the ability to influence and follow what is displayed by the communicator, power in a celebgram is the power of a celebgram to influence or persuade. Meanwhile, variable or variable Y is consumer buying interest in products promoted by celebgrams . The calculations carried out obtained the following results:

  • Based on the results of the survey and simultaneous test (F Test), the calculated = 160.407 with a probability of 0.000. The test results show that the calculated < level of significance (a=5%). This means that there is a significant influence simultaneously (together) by the variables visibility, credibility , attractiveness, product match up, and power on consumer buying interest in products promoted by celebgrams .
  • In partial testing using the t test, it states that each calculated probability is < level of significance (a = 5%), then the influence is significant individually on visibility on buying interest with t = 4.628 with a probability of 0.000 and assuming the other independent variables are constant , credibility towards buying interest with t = 3.047 with a probability of 0.003 and assuming other independent variables are constant , attractiveness towards buying interest with t = 2.475 with a probability of 0.015 and assuming other independent variables are constant , product match up buying interest with t = 6.721 with probability 0.000 and assuming other independent variables are constant , and power (X 5 ) on buying interest with t = 2.695 with a probability of 0.008 and assuming other independent variables are constant.
  • The magnitude of the contribution of visibility, credibility attractiveness , product match up, and power to purchasing interest can be determined through the coefficient of determination ( adjusted R2 ), which is 0.863 or 86.3% . This means that the diversity of purchasing interests can be explained by the variables visibility, credibility attractiveness , product match up, and power amounting to 86.3%, while the remaining 13.7% is the contribution of other variables not discussed in this research.

Meanwhile, for the second case, the author used a research sample of 100 respondents aged 18 to over 50 years with a data collection method in the form of a quota sampling method taken based on 5 large cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Makassar and Surabaya) which was carried out via an online questionnaire. with an error tolerance of 10% (Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma Putra and Team, 2018), there are 3 independent variables that influence them, namely trustworthy (X1) , attractive (X2) , and expertise (X3) . Trustworthy means that a celebrity must be honest in conveying the advertising message and be consistent and the content of the advertising message can be trusted. Attractive , that is, a celebgram must match the product being promoted, the product being promoted is far from negative news, and the celebgram has an attractive appearance. Expertise is knowing and mastering the product being promoted, having expertise and knowledge of the product being promoted and must be trustworthy, Engel et. al (1995: 87) says that the level of knowledge or expertise of the source is the main determinant of credibility. Meanwhile, the dependent variable or variable Y is consumer buying interest in products promoted by celebgrams . The calculations carried out get the following results:

  • Based on the research sample, it was found that for the simultaneous test (F test) the trustworthy, attractive and expertise were F calculated = 32.433 with a probability of 0.000. The test results show that the calculated < level of significance (a=5%). This means that there is a significant influence simultaneously (together) by the variables trustworthy, attractive, and expertise on consumer buying interest in products promoted by celebgrams .
  • In partial testing using the t test, it is stated that each calculated probability is < level of significance (a = 5%), then the significant influence of individually trustworthy on buying interest is with t = 3.265 with a probability of 0.002 and the assumption of other independent variables is constant , attractive towards buying interest with t = 3.962 with a probability of 0.009 and assuming other independent variables are constant , and expertise towards buying interest with t = 3.092 with a probability of 0.008 and assuming other independent variables are constant.
  • The magnitude of the contribution of trustworthy, attractive and expertise to purchasing interest can be seen through the coefficient of determination ( adjusted R 2 ), which is 0.538 or 53.8%. This means that the diversity of purchasing interest can be explained by the variables trustworthy, attractive, and expertise amounting to 53.8%, while the remaining 46.2% is the contribution of other variables not discussed in this research.

We can observe from the two cases above, the results of research on the first case are that Instagram, in its use which aims to introduce business through endorsements by celebgrams, has several characteristics to attract consumer purchasing power, including visibility , credibility, attractiveness , product match up and power , where partial testing (one by one independent variable on the dependent variable, assuming other independent variables are considered constant), and simultaneous or joint testing has a significant effect on consumer purchasing power. Likewise, in the second case, endorsements carried out by celebgrams to attract consumer purchasing power use the characteristics of trustworthy , attractive , and expertise, where partial testing (one by one independent variable on the dependent variable, assuming other independent variables are considered constant) and simultaneous or joint testing. -the same has a significant effect on consumer purchasing power.

We can draw the conclusion that the product promotion strategy by means of celebrity endorsement is a promotional strategy that is currently trending. From the two cases above, the two research samples, although different in the variables or characteristics of the assessment and different in the data collection or samples used, are actually endorsements. by a celebgram will influence consumers' purchasing interest, where consumers will see several factors that influence their purchasing interest from endorsements made by celebgrams.


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