The 2018 charity carries the theme of struggle in the field of literacy. The struggle in question is the struggle against ignorance through the spread of knowledge.
Charity 2018 was held on November 9 2018 at the Soepoyo FEB Unair Hall. At the start of the event, there was a performance from the 2018 Accounting Band who performed several songs, then continued with poetry readings and narratives by Indah Nurisnaeni (AKS1'17), Yuniar (AKS1'17), Christian Arie Rotty (AKS1'16) and Moderator, Dhanan Verdi (AKS1'15). After reading the poetry and narrative, there was a talk show by the two speakers, telling stories casually but seriously with the two of them providing a lot of knowledge and inspiration for all CHARITY 2018 audiences. The resource person we invited was Mr. Soesilo Ananta Toer as a writer and owner of the Pataba library in Blora and Sis Yunaz Karaman, a fairy tale writer, is also the owner of her online library, Prasojo. Their goal, both as writers and library owners, is to share knowledge with the entire community and share how important literacy is for life. These two great people agreed that life should benefit others and they have become benefits for others. Then there was a question and answer session and giving donations and posters to the two speakers. Finally, the event was closed by a performance of Musical Poetry from FISIP International Relations students. Isn't the 2018 Charity event really exciting? Thank you for every support from all parties and look forward to CHARITY 2019.