Disway Daily - The Covid-19 PANDEMIC and social restrictions have brought their own blessings to the Islamic capital market. The number of stock investors has increased tremendously and exceeded the psychological mark of 100 thousand single investor identification (SID) last September. Now there are more than 102 thousand stock investors.

That means, in the last year, the number of investors has increased by 27.5 percent from 80,152 in September 2020. What is interesting is that in the past six years, for example, the number of sharia stock investors has increased 20 times or 2,000 percent. Data on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) shows that at the end of 2015, the number of sharia stock investors in the capital market was only 4,908.

If we look at the last decade, sharia stocks have continued to show excellent growth performance. Average growth performance increased by 84 percent per year. The average daily transaction volume also increased significantly from 2.7 billion shares per day to 8.97 billion at the beginning of 2021. On average, the daily transaction value rose 14.6 percent per year and the frequency increased 31 percent per year. Likewise with sharia stock market capitalization.


More details: https://www.disway.id/r/3501/gairah-investor-saham-syariah