Campus News
organized by the Financial Services Authority in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. The event was attended by Mr. Anto Prabowoselau, Head of the Department of Consumer Protection of Financial Services Authority as a resource person and S1, S2 and S3 students as ...
The signing of the Cooperation Agreement was carried out by the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga with Willis Tower Watson which was attended by Mr. Henri Hanafiah, MBA as Director of Willis Tower Watson Indonesia and Rumah UKM attended by H. Subiakto Priosoedarsono as Chairman of Rumah UKM. The event was held at the Tirtodiningrat Hall FEB Unair on Friday, May 27...
FEB Unair collaborates with Lincoln University and Auckland University of Technology. The collaboration includes: 1. student exchange 2. Lecturer Exchange3. Join Research4. join publication5. Visiting Professor hopes that this collaboration will expand the FEB Unair network with various well-known universities abroad to achieve World Class University (WCU). On the occasion of a visit to Lincoln University, Deputy Dean 3 FEB...