A student is someone who is pursuing higher education at a university.
Students have a complex and comprehensive role so they are grouped into three functions,
namely agent of change, social control and iron stock. With this function, of course the role that
students play in bringing about national change is quite large.
ideas, intelligent thinking and experience are able to change the developing paradigm so that it is directed and in line with
common interests.
However, getting a college education is not easy for some people.
There are many factors that cause someone not to be able to get an education, one of which
is the cost factor. So many students who have studied at university
have to stop halfway because they don't have the money. In fact, there are lots of scholarships
that can help students complete their education. Because many students are trying
to get scholarships, competition between potential scholarship recipients is getting tighter.
providers are also becoming more selective in selecting potential scholarship recipients so that every
student who wants to get a scholarship must have clear information and certain strategies
in order to be accepted.
Apart from students having to complete their education at university, students also have to
carry out personal development, one of which is through the student exchange program.
This student exchange program is also useful for increasing self-confidence and the ability
to solve problems that students really need. However, limited information
about student exchange makes current students reluctant to take part in
student exchange programs.
Therefore, the HIMA EP student welfare department provides a forum for all
students in the city of Surabaya to obtain information regarding undergraduate education scholarships
and student exchange programs. Talkshow Scholarship (TSS) is a program of the
KESMA HIMA EP Department which accommodates students in Surabaya to get in-depth information
about scholarships offered by various existing agencies. So that each student can
hone their qualities and abilities and determine strategies in selecting scholarships
and selecting student exchange programs, so that they can pass the selection.