AcSES Social Responsibility 2019
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh, ikhwah fillah~
May Allah grant us health, happiness & blessed sustenance. Don't forget all
praise to Allah for His blessings and mercy so that on this occasion, the
AcSES Public Relations and Communication Division can again carry out AcSES Social Responsibility
which will be carried out:
Day/date: Saturday, 18 May 2019
Place: Hidayat Umat Orphanage Foundation
Brothers and sisters can contribute by making donations in the form of: infaq, stationery,
basic necessities, and takjil.
Donations can be collected at:
- ASR booth in the corner of FEB UNAIR
- AcSES FEB UNAIR Secretariat.
For donations in the form of money, you can transfer to:
- BNI Syariah 1200320016 An ACSES FEB UNAIR
Contact Person:
085730705648= ulfi
082232101495= suham
In fact, sharing is not to reduce, but to increase the happiness of the heart.
From Abu Hurairah, that a man complained to the Prophet Muhammad SAW about
his hard heart. Then, the Prophet said, stroke the heads of orphans and feed the
poor (HR. Imam Ahmad)
Jazakumullah khairan katsiran.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah~
#ASR #PrnCom