The Student Satisfaction Index towards lecturers has increased from time to time. For the 2018/2019 odd semester, the average student satisfaction was 3.74. The lecturers who have the highest level of satisfaction are:
1. Dr. Wahyu Sardjono with a satisfaction level of 3.95

MM FEB Unair Favorite Lecturer 1
2. Hadi Satyagraha, PhD with a satisfaction level of 3.93.

MM FEB Unair Favorite Lecturer 2Regarding the two lecturers with the best index, the Chair of HIMA MM FEB Unair 2018/2019, Nadjib Imron Erlangga said,
"The positive common thread between the two is that they are not only lecturers who teach knowledge to students,

but the responsibility is that this knowledge must be absorbed well using assessment methods that are relevant and objective to the teaching and learning process.

Second, with work experience, both of them can provide relevant solutions to company problems according to their respective backgrounds (very suitable for MM or MBA courses)

The third and most important thing is to motivate students to get optimal grades with positive values ​​such as honesty, hard work, etc."

Always success for the course lecturers and students at MM FEB Unair. Baarokallah...(gcp)