(FEB NEWS) Saturday, 23 October 2021, the Scientific Department of BEM, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) in collaboration with FEB UNAIR Student Affairs held the activity "Socialization of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) - 2021 - FEB UNAIR" - Batch II .


The Student Creativity Program Socialization Activity which was held in a hybrid manner from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, was attended by ± 500 participants consisting of students from FEB UNAIR as well as students from other faculties.

PKM Batch II Socialization 23 October 2021 (11)

(Participants of the "Socialization of Student Creativity Program (PKM) - 2021 - FEB UNAIR" - Batch II, which was held in a hybrid manner from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, on Saturday, 23 October 2021)


PKM for Tariq Priatmodjo - President of BEM FEB UNAIR is a forum for students to develop creative ideas while providing insight into the PKM mechanism, as well as to further strengthen determination and enthusiasm in competing. FEB UNAIR students are expected to be serious in preparing proposals and procuring PKM supporting activities, not only because PKM is an obligation program. Tariq Priatmodjo also motivated FEB UNAIR students to produce work that would ultimately bring FEB UNAIR a good name personally.

President Bem

(Thariq Priatmodjo - President of BEM FEB UNAIR in his speech at the "Socialization of Student Creativity Program (PKM) - 2021 - FEB UNAIR" - Batch II, which was held in a hybrid manner from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, on Saturday, 23 October 2021 )


In order to provide more comprehensive insight for students so they can enter/pass the 2022 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS), FEB UNAIR presented speaker Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto drh., M.Kes. as Lecturer of the UNAIR Student Assistance Team (TPK) with moderator - Chair of the Student Achievement Assistance Center – FEB Unair – Angga Erlando, SE., M.Ec.Dev. also 4 FEB UNAIR students who have successfully passed to represent FEB UNAIR at the 2021 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) in a sharing session, moderated by Ms. Hidayatun Ni'mah - Bachelor of Accounting Class of 2019 - Deputy for Achievement Development at the Scientific Department of BEM FEB UNAIR.

PKM Batch II Socialization 23 October 2021 (2)

(Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto drh., M.Kes. in delivering material, at the "Socialization of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) - 2021 - FEB UNAIR" - Batch II, which was held in a hybrid manner from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, on Saturday, 23 October 2021)


Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto drh., M.Kes. In the material, there is more information about how to make proposals that can pass administrative selection, pass funding and even qualify as winners in the 2022 National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), while for the sharing session of the four successful FEB UNAIR students passed the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2021 (1. Haflan Alfiri Widrayat - Management 2017, 2. Laililia Binti Mohamad Sofyan - Accounting 2017, 3. Abdul Rohman - Accounting 2020, and 4. Vita Amalia Hidayati - Accounting 2020, tell more about how Initially, they can get and formulate ideas, identify human resources, determine targets and goals, identify obstacles and how to overcome them, target to pass funding, etc.

PKM Batch II Socialization 23 October 2021 (9)

(from left to right: 1. Haflan Alfiri Widrayat - Management 2017, 2. Abdul Rohman - Accounting 2020, 3. Laililia Binti Mohamad Sofyan - Accounting 2017, and 4. Vita Amalia Hidayati - Accounting 2020, in a sharing session at the "Event" Socialization of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) - 2021 - FEB UNAIR” - Batch II, which was held in a hybrid manner from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, on Saturday, 23 October 2021)


Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, in his speech, also expressed his hope that FEB UNAIR could become a major player in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) in 2022, by achieving more achievements from the 2022 PIMNAS event.

Wadek I

Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi in his speech at the "Socialization of Student Creativity Program (PKM) - 2021 - FEB UNAIR" - Batch II, which was held in a hybrid manner from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, on Saturday, 23 October 2021)


FEB UNAIR has the opportunity to become a major player. FEB UNAIR will focus more on guarding serious students in this Student Creativity Week event. Together we can do it.








#Faculty ofEconomicsAndBusinessUnair

#Airlangga University

