Sharia Motivation and Achievement Training II (SMART II) is one of the work programs of the Human Research and Development division, SMART is held twice during one period, namely SMART I and SMART II. SMART I aims to introduce UKF AcSES FEB UNAIR to new students who have registered, or as basic training. Meanwhile, SMART II is a continuation of the SMART I agenda and is a forum for seeking seeds for regeneration from AcSES for the coming period. The series of SMART II events starts from Friday, 11 May 2018 to Sunday, 13 May 2018. Departures are held on Friday evening from Gubeng Surabaya station, by train at 19.50 and arrive at Lawang station, Malang almost at 22.00. Then the participants were directed to accommodation with different rooms for men and women and different rooms for participants and the committee. On Saturday, the event started at 03.00 with getting up and praying the tahajud prayer together, followed by tadarus, reading al-ma'tsurat and memorizing deposits, then continued with personal cleansing, breakfast and the delivery of the first material about leadership in the style of Rosulullah which was delivered by Mas Sigit Auwaluddin as Director of UKMF AcSES for the 2018 period, then there was material about impersonal skills effective communication, critical thinking, and complex problem solving to hone the soft skills of SMART 2 participants. In the evening, apart from there being a group discussion forum, there was also a social gathering evening involving grilling corn, sausages and playing games. Until rest time arrived at 22.00. On Sunday, the event started at 01.00 with participants given candles to surround the hut area, then gathered in the field to steady their hearts, including their contribution while at AcSES for half of this period until 02.00 in the morning. Then it continues with rest until 03.00 then the tahajud prayer together, reading al ma'tsurat and memorizing deposits. Then take a break, and at 07.00 it starts with a proposal challenge, games and breakfast together. Then clean yourself and continue with an internal FGD by writing letters to all participants and the committee, then awarding the best brother staff, best brother staff and best team. Then closed with congregational midday prayers and departed for Lawang station, to return to Surabaya.