


SEVENSHELTER is a major biennial Islamic economic event event was held to bring together students who love Islamic economics as well as a place to disseminate opinions on Islamic economics to the general public, especially students.

The seven shelter agenda has a big theme, namely "Optimizing Islamic Economic Instruments Towards a Civil Society". This theme was raised to optimize the role of Islamic economic instruments in creating a society that upholds human values, is advanced in mastering science and technology, and is a just and prosperous society.

This agenda has four competition branches, namely a design competition for students, an Islamic economics olympiad for senior high schools at the Banyu Mas ex-residency level, an Islamic economics olympiad competition for students at the national level and an Islamic economics scientific writing competition for students at the national level. From the Islamic Economics Olympiad competition and the Islamic Economics scientific writing competition at the student level, students were selected to reach the top 5 finalist round.

The teams that succeeded in entering the top five of the Islamic Economics Olympiad were 1 team Universitas Airlangga, 2 teams from Gunadarma University and 2 teams from the Jember State Islamic Institute. The teams that entered the top five finalist categories in the Islamic Economics Writing Competition were 1 team universitas Airlangga, 1 team from Gajah Mada University, 1 team from Brawijaya University, 1 team from Jendral Soedirman University and 1 team from Semarang State University.

The final result of the competition was that 2 Universitas Airlangga teams won 1st place, namely 1st place in the Islamic Economics Olympiad and 1st place in the Islamic Economics Writing Competition. The 2nd and 3rd place winners in the Islamic Economics Olympiad were won by the team from Gunadarma University, while the 2nd place winner in the Islamic Economics writing competition was the Jendral Soedirman University team and the 3rd place winner was won by the team from Semarang State University.

The 1st place winners from the Universitas Airlangga team were students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, namely the Islamic Economics Olympiad Competition chaired by Sholikudin Alawy, a student from the 2017 Islamic economics study program with members Mar'atus Sholikah from the 2017 Islamic economics study program and Mochammad Bachrul Ulum Fanani from accounting. 2015, while the Islamic Economics Scientific Writing Competition was chaired by Yuliandi Fikri, a student from the 2015 development economics study program with members Retno Wulan from the 2015 management study program and Reni Ariesta Wardana from the 2015 accounting study program.