The National Student Cooperative Jamboree is a major event
held every year for Student Cooperatives throughout Indonesia.
activity is under the auspices of FKKMI and organized by the Student Cooperative
which was the overall champion in the previous National KOPMA Jamboree activity.
The National KOPMA Jamboree was held as an effort to maintain and improve
the existence of student cooperatives in the current era of globalization. Cooperatives are the pillars of
the nation's economy which base their activities on the principles of kinship
and mutual cooperation. This is in accordance with the culture and characteristics of the Indonesian nation
which prioritizes cooperation and helping each other.
Based on this opportunity, the
Development Economics Student Cooperative (KOPMEP) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga
intends to conduct training for delegates or representatives at the
National Student Cooperative Jamboree at Siliwangi University.
The series of activities begins with a creative work competition, where
students are required to be as creative as possible and create items of
artistic and practical value from used goods, there is a debate competition which begins

national kopma
sons and and closed with a field trip agenda at the Karangresik tourist attraction and a gala dinner in the evening. For the results of the KOPMA competition,
the State University of Malang was crowned the overall champion and will host
the National KOPMA Jamboree agenda in 2019.
This activity was attended by 55 universities, 59 teams and a total of
210 participants and companions.