UNAIR – In the 2018 Economic Solution event at Lambung Mangkurat University there were
a series of activities, including a Welcome Party to welcome delegates from various universities
in Indonesia, a National Seminar to control the National Debt, Delegates discussing,
Scientific Writing Competition, and Field Trips. The team from the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga consists of
Auliya Rahma Dimayanti, Siti Nur Umami, and Oktavia Dewi Rizka Alam, all three of whom are from
the Department of Development Economics.
A series of events took place according to the event schedule provided by the committee so that all
delegates had to take part in activities from 3 October to 6 October 2018. The Welcoming
Party activity took place at the Banjarmasin View Tower. The committee presented the concept of recognizing Banjarmasin
as the city of a thousand rivers to attract the attention of the delegation. Apart from that, we were also introduced to
typical Banjarmasin food, for example cakes for, aram-aram, and cucur.
On the second day, a National Seminar was held which was attended by regional governments,
fiscal policy departments, Bank Indonesia, and academics to criticize the condition of Indonesia's debt, its management, and
its long-term positive and negative impacts on the Indonesian economy. The seminar
certainly provided provisions for delegates to argue when presenting their work.
On the third day, all delegates presented their respective ideas to provide solutions
to the management and allocation of Indonesia's debt. The team from FEB UNAIR brought up the topic of
Infrastructure Optimization in the Industrial Efficiency Roadmap by identifying efficiency problems
industry in Indonesia.
The importance of developing the processing industry, especially non-oil and gas, is an opportunity to boost the economy.
Apart from that, based on DEA estimation results, there are still many industries that are not efficient.
Apart from that, it is also constrained by large logistics costs so that state debt can be allocated to the productive sector so that it can have a positive impact.
The entire series of events closed with a field trip to the floating market and the announcement of the winners.
market is one of the tourist destinations in Banjarmasin which is used as a market for
daily transactions for local people.
The difference with ordinary markets is that the sellers or what could be called acil sell their wares on boats or jukung.
Acil will approach the boats of tourists who come to offer what they sell, such as soto banjar, rambutan, oranges, knick-knacks, and even fish.
After the field trip, all delegates attended a Gathering which was attended by local government, lecturers
and representatives of the jury.
The team from Jember University got 1st place, Airlangga University got 2nd place, and the Bogor Agricultural Institute got 3rd place.