On Saturday, May 5 2018, UKMF AcSES FEB UNAIR carried out one of its work programs in the form of Sharia Business Studies. The Business Seminar activity has the theme " Let's be Sparkling Moslempreneur for Better Indonesian Economy " which aims to provide knowledge about how to implement business in accordance with the rules existing in Islam. This Business Seminar was held as a means of increasing applicable Islamic Business education.

In this year's business seminar, AcSES invited 3 speakers, including Irsyad Ali Muhammad (Owner Lazy Farm), Yudha Setiawan (Owner laziza) and Dr. Imron Mawardi (FEB UNAIR Lecturer). This event was attended by approximately 180 participants, not only UNAIR students but also students from other universities.


Located in UNAIR Soepoyo Hall, the event started at 08.00 WIB. The event opened with the singing of Indonesia Raya, the Airlangga Hymn, and Mars Fossei by all participants. Don't forget to read the holy verses of the Koran. Followed by remarks from Mr. Mubin as representative of the FEB Deanery, remarks from the Director of UKF AcSES, namely Moh. Sigit Awaluddin, and Fellingga Johar as Chair of the 2018 AcSES business seminar committee.

The first speaker from FEB UNAIR academics was Mr. Imron Mawardi. He started the seminar material by introducing business concepts in sharia. Provide examples of daily life that are actually not in accordance with sharia but have become a community habit.


Next, the second speaker was Mr. Yudha Setiawan who is the owner of a fast food restaurant called Laziza. Here, Mr. Yudha shares his halal restaurant concept with the participants. He prioritizes providing timely prayer times for his employees. Muslim women are required to wear the hijab. And in line with the halal concept, Mr. Yudha also prioritizes the health and quality of his food products. One more thing that should not be missed is alms. Mr. Yudha routinely invites orphans as a form of alms.

The third speaker is the owner of Ijad Farm, namely Mas Irsyad Ali Muhammad. He is a UNAIR alumnus who is successful in developing his business. Mas Ersyad shared about his livestock business concept which uses digital concepts and also sharia. This Ijad farm is a livestock business that is able to utilize today's advanced technology and the sharia concept, namely mudharabah investment.

After all the speakers finished delivering the material, a question and answer session was held. Then there was a symbolic giving of souvenirs to the speaker and moderator. Don't forget there is a group photo session and prayer as closing.