
Taaruf day is the annual agenda of AcSES FEB Unair held by the Human Resources Development division. This event is a welcoming event for 2018 new students who join the AcSES staff internship. It is hoped that with this event, new students will get to know their fellow students who are also AcSES intern staff, both from their own division and from other divisions. It is also hoped that this event can bring intern staff closer to BPH and AcSES staff. Apart from that, it is hoped that the intern staff will be able to get to know AcSES more closely as a student organization that operates in the field of Islamic reasoning and economics. IMG_20180926_190610.jpg


The event began with an opening by the MC, namely Ariq (2017 AcSES HRD staff) and Adit (2017 Science Staff). Opened with a prayer and presentation of the program, the Taaruf Day event on September 26 2018 at 19.00 officially started.IMG_20180926_190950.jpg

Followed by remarks and a brief introduction about AcSES by the director of AcSES 2017 Mohammad Sigit (Islamic Economics 2015).


Next was the introduction of the core BPH, namely Mohammad Sigit as director, Tryas as general secretary, Devita as secretary 2, and Heni as general treasurer. IMG_20180926_192242.jpg

Followed by an introduction to the HRD division, programs run by HRD, BPH HRD, and HRD members.


The science division also explains the work program, core BPH, and science members.


Then the RNP division also introduced the program, BPH and its members.


Then it was the IB division's turn to introduce the program, BPH and its members.


The PRNCOM Division also did the same thing by introducing proker, BPH, and their members.


This is the 2018 intern staff getting to know each other and introducing themselves.


Next is an FGD per division to get to know BPH, staff and intern staff more closely.


The event closed with a shared jargon and group photos as well as a reading of the 2018 Access Internship SOP.