SKP News. In order to welcome the 2018 new students, PKP held a welcome party. In welcoming new students, not only new students were visited, but old students also took part in the welcome party. The welcome party was held on August 24 2018 at the Soepoyo FEB Unair Hall. The theme raised at this event was God's vision and human ambition. Which is in accordance with this theme, the vision of God itself is love. God's perfect love in human life. Meanwhile, human ambition does not have love like God's love for humans. This theme was raised so that FEB Christian students understand God's vision in humans.
This event started at 18.00 WIB, but at 17.30 the doors were opened and students had started to arrive. The event starts on time, namely at 18.00. This welcome party is filled with worship. Where the service begins with the singing of worship songs, then continues with praise songs. After singing a spiritual song, a video about information about PKP was shown. Next, a KPIMB video appearance along with information about KPIMB registration. At 18.20 WIB the games started. Games contain statements about the contents of the Bible. After a few minutes, the game was over and 3 teams were crowned champions. Then proceed with the distribution of prizes. The game itself lasted a long time and exceeded the time set in the rundown. So several sub-events were cut so that the event could be finished on time. After that, it continued with singing worship songs before starting the sermon.
The sermon starts at 19.05, and the sermon time itself is cut by 5 minutes from the rundown time to make it 45 minutes. The sermon delivered by His servant was in accordance with the theme set by the committee, namely God's vision and human ambition. Then at 19.50 continued with the singing of worship songs before the closing prayer. After that, the closing prayer was led by Mr. Gito as His servant who had brought God's Word. At 19.55 the participants and committee took a group photo, then continued with the distribution of food and greetings.
