Lintas FEB Vol.1, which was held online on Saturday, April 24 2021, according to the President of BEM FEB UNAIR - Tariq Priatmodjo is a new activity/work program in the 2021 Barakarya Cabinet under the Department of Advocacy and Student Welfare, Student Executive Board, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (Department of Adkesma BEM FEB UNAIR) in the form of casual conversations with the academic community. Where "LINTAS" stands for FEB UNAIR Academic Civitas Circle, which takes the form of discussions and questions and answers with the academic community.

The hope is that through this activity it can become a forum and channel for all questions, complaints and aspirations from FEB UNAIR students directly and transparently. The theme taken is "Miscellaneous Online-Offline Lectures". In his introductory remarks, Tariq Priatmodjo also conveyed the basic questions about holding this event, namely 1.) What do the lecturers think about online lectures from their respective homes? and 2.) Is there any hope that offline lectures will be held again considering that it has been 1 (one) year since student lectures have been conducted online?  

April 24, 2021

(President of BEM FEB UNAIR - Tariq Priatmodjo, in his speech at the LINTAS FEB VOL. 1 "Miscellaneous Online-Offline Lectures" with the Deputy Dean of 1FEB UNAIR, Saturday, April 24 2021 online)


Cross FEB Event Vol.1 "Miscellaneous Online-Offline Lectures", was held by presenting the Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi; along with academic and student affairs staff, also presented Captain E-Learning FEB Unair - Noven Suprayogi, SE.,M.Si.,Ak., Chair of P3M FEB UNAIR - Angga Erlando, SE., M.Ec.Dev., President of BEM FEB UNAIR - Tariq Priatmodjo, Vice President of BEM FEB UNAIR - Andrew Alvaro Harun, BLM, HIMA and also representatives from ormawa in FEB UNAIR 2021.

Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, in his opening remarks stated that FEB UNAIR was committed to welcoming every invitation or event from students, whether through BEM, BLM, HIMA, especially if the aim of the event was to establish productive communication for a great collaboration towards FEB SATU.


(Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, in starting the question and answer session with representatives of FEB UNAIR student organizations, at the LINTAS FEB VOL. 1 "Miscellaneous Online-Offline Lectures" with the Deputy Dean 1FEB UNAIR, Saturday, April 24 2021 Online)


Deputy Dean I further explained that there are types of online academic services, so that students can still get academic and student services quickly, without having to go to campus, besides there is also a help desk, which can be contacted at any time to help students if there are difficulties regarding procedures, requirements and so on. This help desk information has been widely communicated through BEM, BLM, etc.

Also included for students who want to immediately complete their studies, but due to the pandemic, it has had a massive impact on the family economy, FEB UNAIR provides an application that has been developed and has been running since 3-4 years ago (before the pandemic), which can be accessed by students seniors who want to immediately advance to the exam. This innovation from FEB UNAIR is called the Guidance and Teaching Automation System Application (SOPP), and this year, the SOPP system through the Directorate of Information Systems and Digitalization, was adopted into the Cyber ​​Campus. So FEB UNAIR should be proud, that with such a large number of students and high demands, fast and dynamic needs have become one of the main sources of innovation in the context of governance at the university level.  

Likewise for Masters, Doctoral and professional study programs, all will be given the same service. FEB UNAIR will continue to ensure accelerated access to services is maintained. So there is no doubt whatsoever from students that the pandemic situation will reduce, in either shape or form, services to students. Once again Dr. Wisnu Wibowo , SE., MSi, emphasized that FEB UNAIR has a strong commitment to accelerating access to services in any field, despite the current pandemic situation. Likewise, in student affairs there is https://mawa.feb.unair.ac.id , service times are of course held every working day.

Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, added that in the near future all forms of service will be improved by forming SOPs, to implement various governance improvements as the orientation of Smart Faculty, with the essence of speed, accuracy, effectiveness of the services provided to stakeholders, both students , lecturers, staff, or society as a whole. The SOP will also be published and will be transparent, there will also be a target time for completion.


Meanwhile, to answer students' questions, will lectures next semester be held offline?, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi explained that FEB UNAIR will continue to study what could be used as an ideal compromise: 1.) Considering aspects of student/graduate competency achievement; 2.) Pay attention to health security protection aspects; 3.) Infrastructure preparation, as well as preparation from related parties because there are 6000-7000 FEB UNAIR students (so discipline from all parties, during Covid, also needs to be considered). So the hybrid form of lectures will be one of the best options, but of course with different terms and conditions or arrangements. So to hold lectures offline, what is needed is readiness, room conditions (windows, etc.) that support offline lectures, incoming and outflow must be regulated, transit space for those who have just arrived (not immediately joining the others), which can Only 4 people can enter the elevator, spraying the room after finishing, student discipline during Covid, when you finish lecture you have to go home immediately, etc.

Noven Suprayogi, SE.,M.Si.,Ak. as one of the teams from the university, also added that at the university level a comprehensive survey is being drawn up for both lecturers, students and parents, so that from the data we will find trends in the lectures desired by each faculty, whether online, hybrid, etc. .


(Captain E-Learning FEB Unair - Noven Suprayogi, SE.,M.Si.,Ak. In a question and answer session with representatives of FEB UNAIR student organizations, at the LINTAS FEB VOL. 1 "Miscellaneous Online-Offline Lectures" with the Deputy Dean 1FEB UNAIR, Saturday, 24 April 2021 online)

Hopefully the pandemic will pass soon, we already miss seeing my brothers and sisters.

Greetings from us to all Airlangga Knights







