Enthusiasm, that is the image reflected on every face of the Education Staff of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), as soon as they entered the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, on Saturday, 24 April 2021. TENDIK BIMTEK 2021 – offline (still comply with strict health protocols), is an event held in order to upgrade skills to increase competence and abilities for all levels of FEB UNAIR educational staff, where Tendik is an inseparable part to support the performance and success of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga, in realizing Smart University.
(Atmosphere of the BIMTEK TEMDIK 2021 event, at FADJAR NOTONAGORO HALL, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Saturday, April 24 2021)
Deputy Dean I – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, in opening the event expressed his appreciation to Ko PIH FEB Unair - Nur Aini Hidayati, SE.,M.Si., also Head of Administration Section FEB UNAIR - Dra. Diah Prihatiningsih, MM., Ak. who initiated the 2021 BIMTEK TENDIK event, also to PIH FEB UNAIR - Candra Pangestu Suryaningrat for his willingness to share knowledge, knowledge and experiences while on duty since the pandemic began to break out.
(Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi in his opening speech at the 2021 TENDIK BIMTEK Event, at the FADJAR NOTONAGORO HALL, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Saturday, April 24 2021, together with Ko PIH FEB Unair – Nur Aini Hidayati, SE. ,M.Si., also Head of Administration Section FEB UNAIR - Dra Prihatiningsih, MM., Ak)
According to Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, this event will be very beneficial in supporting service performance in the education sector, because the current pandemic situation still requires learning conditions like this. For this reason, it is very necessary and it is hoped that in every line of education staff will be able to adapt to technological developments to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their work.
(PIH FEB UNAIR - Candra Pangestu Suryaningrat with USI FEB UNAIR - Mochamad Soebecha, SE., in sharing their experiences at the 2021 TENDIK BIMTEK Event, at the FADJAR NOTONAGORO HALL, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Saturday, April 24 2021)
Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi, also touched on the importance of efforts to prepare Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as has been done in the last few days, because for Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi., that the governance of an organization will not work well if the organization does not have guidelines, does not have guidelines, does not have navigation in working. For this reason, the SOPs that have been prepared by the SOP preparation task force will immediately be reviewed over the next 1 (one) semester. However, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi. Adding that, of course SOPs can be implemented well, one of which is, if all lines in each field have adapted well to technological developments, especially digital technology. This is why the 2021 TENDIK BIMTEK event was held. Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi emphasized that time efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the goals expected by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, is a shared vision to be realized in the future.
(Atmosphere of the BIMTEK TENDIK 2021 Event, at the FADJAR NOTONAGORO HALL, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Saturday, April 24 2021)
Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., MSi and Nur Aini Hidayati, SE.,M.Si., have high hopes that after the 2021 TENDIK BIMTEK is held, there will be an increase in capacity, and the results will be seen in the next 1 (one) semester which will be reflected in work effectiveness.
Greetings from us to all Airlangga Knights