(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, April 6 2021, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a Kick off Meeting and Curriculum Development Workshop with the theme "Building the Distinctiveness and Uniqueness of Study Programs in the Republic of Indonesia 4.0 Era", by inviting the speaker Mr. Arief Mustain (Director and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Indosat Ooredoo), to provide training to all FEB UNAIR Management, on how to find uniqueness and uniqueness in each study program, as a reason for the choice of graduates. This event is also a series of FEB Unair 2021 Tracer Study Launching events as a mark of the official start of a series of Curriculum Redesign activities in all 14 (fourteen) study programs at FEB UNAIR, by the Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA.

(Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. in his speech at the Kick off Meeting and Curriculum Development Workshop with the theme "Building the Distinctiveness and Uniqueness of Study Programs in the RI 4.0 Era ", Tuesday, April 6 2021.)


Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. Emphasizing in his speech that this curriculum redesign is not just about changing courses by benchmarking with well-known universities, but "changes themselves must be made", considering that in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, which was accelerated by the arrival of the Covid-19 Pandemic, this demands things have to change. It is important to accelerate changes in information technology, learning methods, assessment of learning, attitudes, abilities and competencies of the graduates produced must also change.

(from left to right: Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo., SE., MSi.; Director and Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Indosat Ooredoo - Arief Mustain; Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE ., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA at the Kick off Meeting and Curriculum Development Workshop with the theme "Building the Distinctiveness and Uniqueness of Study Programs in the RI 4.0 Era", Tuesday, April 6 2021.)


The Dean of FEB Unair also added that in this curriculum redesign, every effort will be based on activities to anticipate the Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on Independent Learning and Independent Campuses, as well as Outcome-Based Education (OBE). 

The inauguration of the curriculum redesign activity began with the "Launching Tracer Study FEB Unair 2021" activity which was marked by, Inauguration of the Tracer Study Website: https://feb.unair.ac.id/tracerstudy/ and the launch of a campaign video for stakeholders and alumni to participate in the tracer study activity which is the initial part of the curriculum redesign activity.

(2021 FEB UNAIR Curriculum Redesign success team at the Kick off Meeting and Curriculum Development Workshop with the theme "Building the Distinctiveness and Uniqueness of Study Programs in the Republic of Indonesia 4.0 Era", Tuesday, April 6 2021.)

(2021 FEB UNAIR Curriculum Redesign success team at the Kick off Meeting and Curriculum Development Workshop with the theme "Building the Distinctiveness and Uniqueness of Study Programs in the Republic of Indonesia 4.0 Era", Tuesday, April 6 2021.)

Want your faculty and study program to be the best and leading.  

Come on! succeed and participate in completing the 2021 FEB Unair Tracer Study.


For you, FEB UNAIR graduates 2016-2020. Come on and participate in the success of the 2021 FEB Unair Tracer Study activities, via the following link: https://feb.unair.ac.id/tracerstudy/



