Held at the Bumi Surabaya Hotel on Saturday and Sunday, 4-5 December 2021, the FEB Universitas Airlangga Management Department Working Meeting was well organized. The agenda for the first session is an International Seminar with guest speaker Dr. Zaleha from UKM Malaysia and Prof Dr. Anis Eliyana discusses the challenges ahead for producing business leaders in the digital era.

Management Dept Working Meeting 1

The second session was an FGD event discussing the opening of a new Master of Risk Management study program.
With the main sources from the Management Department leaders in the previous period, namely Sri Gunawan, DBA and Dr. Praptini Yulianti. The participants enthusiastically discussed the reasons for opening the study program, options for new study programs, target market for the study program, strata of the study program and the preparations that must be made. On this occasion, present to give opinions were Vice Rector 2 Unair Dr M. Madyan, Dean of FEB Unair Prof. Dr Dian Agustia, Vice Dean 1 Dr Wisnu Wibowo and Vice Dean 3 Dr Ahmad Risky Sridadi. Senior professors such as Prof. Maemunah Suharto, Prof Sri Wahyuni ​​Astuti, Prof Tanti Handriana also provided important input. The event concluded that the study program is in the realm of Masters in Enterprise Risk Management, which requires collaboration with associations and certification bodies.
The program can be made in hybrid form, but there is also the opportunity to be held offline in Jakarta. The third session was filled with events for Department and KPS achievements as well as giving awards to FEB Unair Management lecturers who contributed positively to the achievements of the Faculty and University.
On this occasion, a new application by a Management lecturer at FEB Unair, Management-Meter, was also introduced, which was introduced by young lecturer M Thanthowy, MBA.
Congratulations to all participants and award recipients, hopefully everything will be a blessing and be useful for themselves, their families, institutions, nation & state.